born 1993, lives and works in Marrakech

BRIEF ECLIPSE OF TIME #2, 2022, cyanotype, 130 x 99 cm

Hasnae El Ouarga’s cyanotype work fascinatingly intertwines art, nature, and spiritual reflection. Her technique of placing stones directly on paper and exposing them to sunlight elevates the traditional photographic process to a meditative level. The sunlight interacts with the paper, transforms the materials and evokes a mystical relationship between the elements of nature and human creativity. The stone become a central symbol, establishing a deep connection between earth and sky, serving as a medium for a transcendent dialogue. This dialogue is not merely an artistic expression but also a reflection on the cyclical nature of matter, which constantly evolves and renews itself. The surfaces  bear the traces of past eras, telling stories that transcend time.

STARDUST AND BONES #2, 2022, cyanotype, 65 x 50 cm
STARDUST AND BONES #3, 2022, cyanotype, 65 x 50 cm
MIRAGE 5, 2022, cyanotype, 65 x 50 cm

The lines and forms that emerge are reminiscent of calligraphic signs, adding an additional layer of meaning. The creative process, which foregoes traditional photographic techniques, thus gains a spiritual dimension. In a constant interplay between the visible and the invisible, the image gradually reveals itself, shaped by gestural repetition and the influence of natural elements. Through her intuitive approach and the direct involvement of her body in the creative process, El Ouarga’s art becomes a form of living meditation. Every movement and gesture in her creative process is imbued with a conscious dialogue with the materials and the environment. The resulting work is a product of this dialogue, an image that is not only visible but also palpable.

SUN DUST #8, 2022 cyanotype, 65 x 50 cm
SUN DUST #9, 2022 cyanotype, 65 x 50 cm


2023   Koussouf, Galerie des Résidents, Fondation Montresso*, Marrakech

2021   Fragments d’une mémoire anonyme, Jajjah, Marrakech

2020   Feminine plural, Dior, Taipei,

2020   Feminine plural, Dior, München

Installation view Galerie des Résidents, Fondation Montresso*, Marrakech


2023   Souvenances, Fondation Montresso*, Institut Français de Marrakech

2023   1-54 London Fondation Montresso*, London

2023   Art Genève, Fondation Montresso*, Geneva

2023   Regards sur la photographie, Fondation Montresso*, Marrakech

2022   Mi Casa Su Casa, Hannah Traore Gallery, New York

2022   Femmes Photographes, Musée National de la Photographie, Rabat

2022   Carte blanche à Mahi Binebine, Abla Ababou Galerie, Rabat

2019   Carte blanche, Fondation Almouggar, Tan-Tan

2019   Carte blanche à Hassan Hajjaj, Musée Mathaf Farid Belkahia, Marrakech

2019   Les marocaines, Du regard de l’autre au regard de soi, la maison de la photographie, Lille

2017   Fatna, video installation, Festival de Marseille, MuCEM